"Exotic" Species

Many Families have multiple species of pets in their homes.  It is often difficult to find a veterinarian who is comfortable handling, examining and treating these pets.  Dr. Torok has additional training and experience in the treatment of the following species:



Rabbits are a common pet and are actually very interactive.  They do require special care when choosing their diet to prevent issues with maldigestion, dental disease and obesity. 

Although they do not require routine vaccination, female rabbits have a very high incidence of uterine cancer and should all be spayed as a prevention.  In addition, medical exams to evaluate their body weight, dental health and husbandry as well as  fecal testing for intestinal parasites, should be done routinely.



There are countless numbers of Avian species kept as pets.  Between nutrition, proper housing, wing and beak care, there are many opportunities to improve their health and well-being.  Please let Dr. Torok help you make your bird's life better!



These little critters are a bundle of fun!  They are super inquisitive, love to play and are very social.  Ferrets are somewhat similar to cats in their medical needs - annual exams, routine dental cleanings and vaccination are very important to their overall health.



Guinea Pigs are great, mild mannered pets that are good for families with children.  They are fine spending time in a cage, but are also very interactive and enjoy being held.  They do require a very specific diet with adequate amounts of Vitamin C in order to prevent skeletal problems.  In addition, they need to have their teeth examined for any overgrowths which can prevent proper food intake or lesions within the mouth.  Examination helps to detect any problems before your pig becomes ill.